Fun Summer Activities

With summer officially here, it is a wonderful time to engage your children with summertime activities. Summer offers many meaningful opportunities for children with special needs, especially while enjoying the outdoors! Here is a list of ideas you can do with your family during this lovely summer.

Scavenger Hunt

Turn your walk into a fun mission for your kids to accomplish! A nature-themed scavenger hunt can make an ordinary walk outside full of amazing discoveries. It is a great way to tune into our surroundings with our five senses and be present in the moment with our loved ones. A scavenger hunt will give children the opportunity to express and describe what they are experiencing, whether it’s cloud-watching, smelling the flowers or listening to all the unique animal and insect sounds. Make your own list or find many printables available online, such as this one:

Homemade Popsicles

An easy way to get your children involved in making a healthy treat. The benefit of making them at home is you get control over the ingredients. This hands-on activity will allow your child to boost their self esteem as they are able to feel accomplished from making their own delicious treat. Simply mix together your choice of fruit and/or vegetables and a base liquid (e.g., juice, coconut water, yogurt), and enjoy!

DIY Sensory Bottles/Bins 

Make your own inexpensive sensory toys, with the added luxury of working outside to enjoy the weather and avoid a big mess. Sensory toys can be a useful calming tool for children with sensory needs and sensitivities. You can fill your choice of container (we recommend a plastic bottle or bin) with materials - a main filler and whatever items/objects you’d like!

Ideas for materials

Main Filler - rice, glitter, glue, oil 

Small items - small toys, foam shapes and letters, beads, pom poms, sequins 

Outdoor Yoga

Take advantage of the nice weather and get some stretching and exercise done outside! Yoga can help build and improve body strength and awareness, motor skills, concentration and attention span, and deep breathing which helps with self regulation. There are plenty of child-friendly yoga videos online, check out Cosmic Kids Yoga for fun themes and visuals paired with the yoga session.

Water Play

Water exploration can provide a calming, sensory experience for children with ASD. Water activities can promote imaginary play, independent leisure time and opportunities for communication. Set up a water table with different tools for pouring, scooping and squirting water. You can even try using food colouring! 

No matter the activity, summertime is a wonderful time to spend quality time with our family and create memories. Gifted People Services wishes you a safe and happy rest of summer!

- Gifted People Services


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